2016-02-27 07:56



 Beginning of the World

Shingo Yoshida (b. Tokyo, 1974).

Yoshida considers the world his studio and therefore a place of constant creation.

Travelling around the globe, he finds myths, legends, people and places which are

easily over looked and matches them to his creative micro world. With an aesthetic gaze and

the most fanciful understanding of life. Yoshida enacts as if he was playing Hide and Seek in

the world alone: while hiding himself he seeks the hidden.

Shingo Yoshida realized this project at the Russian Far East, namely the Siberian regions of Chukotka and Beringia. There the 180th Meridian runs vertically setting the basis for the International Date Line, which separates two consecutive calendar days.

Inspired by local raven folk tales, Shingo Yoshida took food with him as sacrificial offerings to nature and the ravens to thank them for their protections during the trip.


Konec dni in pričetek sveta

Shingo Yoshida (rojen v Tokiju leta 1974).

Za Yoshido je njegov studio (atelje?) ves svet, ki se tako prelevi v kraj neprestanega ustvarjanja.

Med potovanjem po svetu naleti na mite, legende, ljudi in kraje, ki so zlahka spregledani ter jih inkorporira v lasten kreativen mikro svet. S čutom za estetiko in skozi razumevanje sveta, ki je prežeto s domišljijo, Yoshida daje občutek, da se s samim svetom igra skrivalnice: skrije se zato, da poišče skrito.

Shingo Yoshida je projekt realiziral na skrajnem vzhodu Rusije, večinoma v sibirskih pokrajinah Čukotka in Beringija. Tam vertikalno poteka 180. meridian, kjer poteka mednarodna datumska meja, ki ločuje dva zaporedna koledarska dneva.

Po navdihu lokalnih povesti o krokarjih je Shingo Yoshida s seboj vzel hrano, ki jo je daroval Naravi in krokarjem v zahvalo za zaščito med njegovim popotovanjem.




torek - petek: 16.00 - 18.00 uri

sobota: 10.00 - 12.00 ure.

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Fotogalerija STOLP Židovska ulica 6, p.p. 1512, SI-2001 Maribor, Slovenija +386 (0)51 336 991 galerijastolp@gmail.com